Raise More Money! Have More Fun!

Need help with your charity golf tournament? We are an A-Z, one-stop shop for ALL things golf outing related:

  • Hole-in-one insurance (lowest rates in the country!)
  • Logo’d T-prizes for the player gifts at registration (more than 100 to choose from!)
  • $1M Shot, $25K Shoot-Out, $5000 Putting Contest, $1000 Closest-to-the-Pin Contest ($250 or less covers you for any of these!)
  • Sponsor signs, pin flags, no-risk auction memorabilia, helicopter ball drop, trick shot golf clinics and more!

Let our dedicated staff consult, guide and help you raise more money at your next golf event!

2025 Price Guide

Our Clients

In our 32 years we’ve worked with every major non-profit on the planet in all 50 states!:
March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, National Kidney Foundation, American Lung Association, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, American Red Cross, ALS
Association, American Heart Association, Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, Ronald McDonald House, St. Judes, Children’s Miracle Network, Goodwill, United Way, UNICEF,
Make-A-Wish, Susan G. Komen Foundation, Boy Scouts of America, Alzheimers Association, Cystic Fibrosis, National MS Society, Easterseals, Junior Achievement
and 100’s more including dozens of MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA charitable foundations.
If these groups can trust us with their events, so can you!

2024 Testimonials