Make Your 2019 Golf Tournament Bigger and Better!

Nest time your charity golf outing committee convenes, make the first topic of conversation all about the age old question…”What have you done for me lately?” This is no time to rest on your laurels. Everyone coming to the event, whether it’s the players, their spouses, the volunteers…all are looking for BIGGER and BETTER than last year. It’s just the nature of the beast. So your job is to deliver! The player gift should be better. The contests should be better. The raffle prizes should be better. The auction should be better. The signage should be better.  The prizes and awards should be better. The food should be better. Maybe the course needs to be better?!? When you focus on how to make all these things better…you stand a much better chance of generating BIGGER revenue!! Good news: you and the committee don’t have to go it alone. After 26 years, Tournament Pros is all about bigger and better! Contact us for some free advice: 800-790-4653,